Dear Friends and Family,
This summer at Youth Haven Bible Camp we celebrated the Lord’s faithfulness in light of our mission’s seventy-fifth anniversary! The Lord blessed us with faithful workers and speakers! In many ways, it is one of the best summers I remember!
One service during Teen Camp stands out. My friend, Ken Pierpont, was the speaker that week. During the song service, the Lord was at work in a powerful way. There were students visibly shaken, taking their seats in tears. Soon, one of our beloved volunteers, Bill Spears, asked one of our board members, Ray Shepherd, to pray. The Lord had already been leading me as to what song He would have us sing next, and as we sang, teens started coming forward to kneel in prayer, and we hadn’t even called for an invitation! Ken brought a wonderful message and even more students came forward during the invitation! As we returned to the cabin for our follow up “Camper Counselor Time,” the boys in my cabin were kind of in shock and the Lord continued to work.
This is what we desire, for God to do what only He can do. We practice and rehearse music. We study and pray for sermon delivery and devotional writing. We seek to be faithful in doing our part of what God has called us to do, with the strength and wisdom that He supplies. But we cannot and must not “manufacture” results or ever rely on emotionalism or manipulation. No! We are dependent on God to do what only He can do, and we praise Him for His faithfulness!
This summer, eight young men from my cabins accepted the Lord, two prayed about assurance of salvation, and one made a decision of rededication! One week, all of the boys in my cabin claimed to already know the Lord and we focused more on discipleship. This summer, my new CD, “I Am With You,” released and I am so deeply grateful for reports I am receiving of how the Lord is using it! Thank you so much to all of you who gave and/or prayed to make it possible to record again! Please continue to pray for the Lord to bless it as it goes out into the world. I am also grateful for the continued opportunity to record radio devotionals from time to time that air for a week at a time on WTBK FM, a local country radio station.
I was privileged again to lead music for ANAM’s Southeastern Regional Conference. This weekend my cousin, Jacquelyn, and I sang at Putney Bible Church in Harlan, KY, and I preached there as well. I have several speaking and singing engagements coming up. It is a joy to visit various churches and ministries and see what God is doing there as well as being able to share the Word and what the Lord is doing at KMM. When not on the road, I continue to serve as Associate Pastor at New Prospect Baptist Church and help Steve Smith with youth at Idamay Bible Church on Wednesday nights. There is also much grounds work to be done at camp. I am never bored!
As I celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness, I also want to thank you for your faithfulness! Thank you for your prayers and giving that make all of this possible! Thanks for being used of the Lord so powerfully in my life. It is a privilege for me to be able to co-labor with you in the ministry. I do not take it for granted and I sincerely thank you!
In Christ,
Sam Judd
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