Dear Friends and Family,
Several years ago, my Dad gave me a big black Mag-light flashlight for Christmas. You know the kind-the ones like the police use. They’re extremely bright and built like a club for self defense. It’s one of my favorite Christmas gifts of all times! It comes in very handy living in a mountainous rural area. When I think of that flashlight, I am reminded of three things. The first is that I don’t have to live in slavery to the darkness. I am free to walk about because the light illuminates my path and shows me potential danger, like the copperhead I killed this summer. Every time I see that flashlight, I am also reminded that I am Jerry Judd’s son and that he loves me very much. The third thing I think of when I see that flashlight is life. Because the light shows me where cliff edges are at night or other potential dangers, I am able to avoid them and live.
In John 8:12-30, Jesus declared Himself to be “the light of the world.” He went on in the passage to tell His listeners just what He could mean to them as the light. If a person believes in Jesus, then they will be truly free (Jn. 8:31-38), have God as their Father (Jn. 8:39-47), and never face spiritual death (Jn. 8:48-59). Jesus, the light of the world that the Holy Spirit is constantly pointing to, is proof of God the Father’s love for us!
In this Christmas season where we are surrounded by beautiful Christmas lights which remind us of the true Light, I want to say “thank you” so much for your prayers and support of me in the ministry of telling others of the light of Jesus. It has been a very productive season. I am so thankful to be recovered from having my tonsils removed and back to speaking and singing. This Fall I have had the privilege of leading worship for a “Discipleship Now” weekend for the youth group from Hurstbourne, Baptist Church, leading worship for camp’s Fall Conference, playing and speaking at Oneida Baptist Institute which has students from all over the world, giving updates at Faith Community Church and Arrington Baptist Church in Franklin, TN, catching up with friends and supporters in Franklin, TN, and playing and speaking at Bee Branch Bible Church and Fish Creek Bible Church. While in Franklin, my mentor, Michael Card, and I spent time catching up and I know he would appreciate your prayers as he is in the midst of writing songs for a new album on the book of Matthew. One of the projects I am currently working on is writing follow up material for campers who have made decisions for Christ and I would greatly appreciate your prayers for that as well.
On November 10, I was ordained at New Prospect Baptist Church, where I serve as the Associate Pastor and David Price, KMM’s Associate Director, serves as Pastor. The Lord gave us a great day! Some of you may have seen on the news that we even had an earthquake! In God’s planning, the timing of the ordination day was quite significant, though none of us realized it till later. Mark Coburn, Pastor of Idamay Bible Church, informed me that the ordination was 60 years to the day from when my Grandpa, George Fox, founded Idamay Bible Church. We all thought that was pretty special!
Things are going very well at New Prospect Baptist Church and we praise the Lord for it! We seem to be growing spiritually as well as numerically. The Lord has brought more musicians to our church and it is such a joy to be able to work together in praising God and focusing the gathered community’s attention on Him. I would greatly appreciate your continued prayers for the church!
I would like to share a closing story with you. On Wednesday nights I lead worship for the youth group at Bear Track Bible Church, which Scotty Brandenburg leads. Recently, a young man spoke to us about some things the Lord had been laying on his heart. This was a young man that at one time had come to the Rec Center for a while, had come to camp, and accepted the Lord. It was so great to hear of the Holy Spirit working in his life. What an encouraging thing it is to know that we have a living God who is active in our hearts! Truly, the Light shines! Thank you so much for your partnership in helping make Him known!
As of our most recent KMM Board meeting, I am no longer an intern but am now a full time missionary with KMM. My support level is at 90%. I would appreciate your prayers as I seek to raise the remainder. Thank you so much to all of you who pray and give! Thank you so much for being part of this team!
In Christ,
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