“For the body does not consist of one member but of many…Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”- 1 Corinthians 12:14, 27
Dear Friends and Family,
The summer of 2022 has gone down in the books as one of the most bizarre but best summers to date! Camp faced challenges with being understaffed and afflicted with sickness briefly sidelining various team members. Throughout all of this, the Lord showed Himself faithful! Like last summer, thought the Junior Staff were small in numbers, they were mighty in spirit! In fact, many of them were returning Junior Staff from last year! As various ones faced brief sickness, others stepped up to fill in the gap. It was truly a summer of team work! A huge part of that team were various church groups and individual short-term workers for whom we are abundantly thankful! By the end of the summer, the Lord had blessed with twenty-eight campers claiming to have accepted Christ as Savior!
New Prospect Baptist Church, where we serve on Sundays, was affected by the recent flood. Thankfully, we were spared the major devastation that some of our friends and others have suffered, but it did affect us. Thankfully, the water stopped before it got to the building’s floor joists, but our air units and duct work were damaged and a lot of mud was deposited underneath the church. Some water got into the lobby, but an outdoor mat seems to have wedged against the door and kept more water out! The Lord provided a pastor from Indiana who runs a mold eradication business who came with some of his workers to serve and a local business that is currently checking on the units. The deacons and we have done some other work around the building and grounds to try to recover. We would appreciate prayers for the Lord’s continued provision for the recovery efforts!
Now that school is back in session, the youth group at Idamay Bible Church, where we serve on Wednesdays, is scheduled to begin again and it looks like we will have the biggest group we have had so far because of the size of the incoming class! The Monday youth bowling leagues at the Lee County Recreation Center are scheduled to start back up as well, and we are excited for the opportunity to share with the kids about Jesus!
Road ministry continues as well. We recently had the opportunity to visit with the kind folks of Antioch Baptist Church in Butler, Georgia during their Wednesday Bible study and share a few songs with them and give them an update on camp. Then it was on to Madison, GA to lead music for the Appalachian Regional ANAM conference, which was held at Source of Light Ministries this year. Sam was also one of the panelists for a Q&A session. After the conference, we had the pleasure of being introduced to a new church, Legacy Church of Madison, and leading the music for the Sunday morning service.
During one of the weeks this summer that camp was not in session, we headed down to the Nashville, TN area to do pre-production with our new friend, sound engineer, Evan Redwine, for our new album, which is a musical Bible study of different identities of Jesus. To those of you who have given to help get this project started and to all of you who have prayed for and encourage us along the way, we say, “thank you!” For the next step, we are scheduled to do three more days of recording in October. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for the Lord’s continued guidance, protection, and provision for this project and the book we hope to have accompany it!
The KMM board has raised the minimum amount of support missionaries are asked to have. So, we would appreciate prayers for that need as well. Please pray for more opportunities for us to share about the Lord and the ministries of KMM and that, as we do, the Lord will bring along others who will partner with us in ministry through their prayers and giving the way you have! We are so abundantly thankful for your partnership in ministry! Together, we are getting to tell others about Jesus and seeking to help those who already believe in Him to know Him even better! Thank you!
In Christ,
Sam and Ronni Judd
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