Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings from the frozen hills of Kentucky! As I write this, we have had about a foot of snow in the past week, and last night we were visited with ice! As I look outside at a misty, frozen, snowy wonderland, I am reminded of the good news- the Gospel! “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow…” (Isaiah 1:18a).
This Fall I have had the amazing opportunity to sing of that good news in public schools all over Eastern Kentucky as I have travelled with the other members of “The Crusaders” team. It still blows me away to be able to stand in front of bleachers full of public school students and sing about Jesus! Lord willing, we’ll be back at it in January.
On Sundays, Pastor David Price (KMM’s Associate Director), his wife Pam, and I travel over to Clay County to minister at New Prospect Baptist Church. I greatly enjoy work as the Associate Pastor. Leading worship on Sundays is always a privilege and I have had the opportunity to fill in speaking for Pastor David when he has needed to be out of town. We were set to begin our youth group on Sunday nights last week, but were snowed out! Lord willing, we will begin in January.
There have been various events at camp this semester. Ten folks came to know the Lord at our dental clinic this year! We praise the Lord for that. Tim Estes and I did a concert for the clinic volunteers. We are so thankful for them! For our “Fall Lock In” at the Rec Center, we had over 200 kids, and I was able to share and play a couple of songs with them and Pastor David spoke. I led worship for our Fall Bible Conference and was able to share in music at our recent Christmas outreach as well.
I continue to have an active travel schedule, going to various churches to speak and/or play music. In November, I had the opportunity to lead worship for a “Discipleship Now” weekend for Cornerstone Baptist Church, and witnessed something that reminded me of the fact that everything good in our lives is possible because of the cross. That weekend, we visited a Boy’s Home for abused young men. As Jonathan Saylor and I practiced a song, the kids came in. I looked over, and one little fellow was tuned in, watching us. He waved. I waved back, and then thought, “Wait a minute! Do I know him from camp?” Jonathan was wondering the same thing. When I walked over to where he was, I hadn’t even gotten the words out of my mouth yet, to ask him if he had ever been to camp or not, when he cried out, “Hey, Sam! Are we going to sing the song about Jesus conquering the grave?” I was very happy to tell him, “Yes!” As we talked, I remembered this boy. This summer had been his first summer at camp. His older brother had been coming for a while. They are such sweet kids, and yet, here he was in a home for abused boys. As Jonathan and Becca Saylor and I led the kids in worship, this little guy stood up with us, singing along and beaming. When we came to the part of the song about Jesus conquering the grave, he would pump his little fists with joy. For this young man to have joy even in his circumstance, well, that’s the power of the cross. The conquered grave is witness to that power.
So, “thank you,” to all of you who pray for me and/or help support me financially. Thank you for being co-laborers with me in sharing the Gospel, the power of the cross, the power of our God, with needy souls! I am still raising support. If you are able and would like to help support me financially, please make checks payable to: “Kentucky Mountain Mission,” and include a note that says it is for my support fund. The mailing address is: Kentucky Mountain Mission, 150 Youth Haven Rd, Beattyville, Ky. 41311. Again, thank you so much!
In Christ,
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