Dear Friends and Family,
We hope this finds you doing well! We pray for you often! It has been a wonderful and busy season with a lot to report! In April, Ronni and I flew to California for InFaith’s yearly national conference called, “Refresh.” We were honored to be asked to do a concert for our fellow missionaries, featuring songs from the upcoming album. The event was held at Mt. Hermon Camp and Conference Center. It was so good to be with so many servants of the Lord and to see His beauty surrounding us in the Red Wood trees. While in California, we visited some dear family members, the Aharonians, and stayed with a new friend, Dick Noble. It was joyous fellowship, as was our trip after that to visit family members, Bill and Judy Fox in Lockeford, California. While there, we did a concert at Grace Church of Lockeford, and loved meeting the folks there! After landing in Nashville on our trip home, we had a great visit with my mentor, Michael Card.
This summer was filled with camp work during the weeks! We were so thankful to be a part of two camps this summer, for a total of six weeks! We were given the opportunity to fill a new volunteer position of pastoral care for the staff at Crossings at Cedarmore in Bagdad, KY. Our dear friend, Jonathan Saylor, is the food service manager there. Though we have visited the campus before, this was our first time to see Crossings in full swing for camp. We loved it! I did a song with the staff during both their morning and evening daily staff meetings and we drove a six-person golf cart helping staff and volunteers get from one station to the other in a timely manner on their very spacious campus, and helped out some behind the scenes as well. We loved getting to know the staff there and hearing what God is doing in their lives! We had some great conversations with some campers too! We loved the session we were at Crossings and were very impressed with their heart for the Lord! We spent five weeks at Camp Nathanael in Emmalena, KY. It was so good to be back! We led the music for High School Camp and helped run their craft cabin the other four weeks. At the craft cabin, I did a short devotional at the start of class and then the campers could choose from leather work, shrinky-dinks, friendship bracelets, and clay art during the Middle School camps or make a leather bracelet and do a shrinky-dink during the Grade School Camps. We were thrilled to have our dear friend, Lilly Bell, as an assistant for the summer! Ronni also helped with staff child care most mornings and we helped out with some behind the scenes work as well. As many of you know, Youth Haven was unable to have camp this year. Camp Nathanael’s mission director, Jeff McIntyre, contacted us, heartbroken about kids that did the Bible lesson program that wouldn’t be able to go to Youth Haven since it was cancelled. He and the Camp Nathanael staff wanted to offer a week at Camp Nathanael to these campers who had done the work to have a free week of camp, and we put him in touch with folks at Youth Haven who could help make that happen. Thankfully, several campers were able to make it! Out of those several who came, one plans on doing ministry next summer and one accepted the Lord!
In Church life, we are so thankful for the folks of New Prospect Baptist Church where we do the music and I do the preaching on Sundays as the only pastor currently there. We appreciate their faithfulness so much! Youth group is off and running on Wednesdays at Idamay Bible Church. We are having such a blessed time with these students! They pay such good attention to the Word and we love their questions!
Most of the new album, which is a musical Bible study of different identities of Jesus, is mixed and the rest should be shortly, Lord willing. Then comes mastering, art work, and all the planning that goes into releasing this project. Thank you so much for your prayers! It is a project that is very dear to our hearts and we can’t wait to be able to share it with you!
As always, we appreciate you so much! Your partnership with us through your friendship, prayers, encouragement, and giving mean so much! We are so deeply grateful! We are still raising needed support to officially meet the goal necessary to move from candidate to missionary status with InFaith. We have plans to be on the road shortly and would love to see you! If you are interested in having us to come to your church, school, etc. please let us know!
In Christ,
Sam & Ronni Judd
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