“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” -Luke 2:11 (ESV)
Dear Friends and Family,
Recently, Ronni and I were at home on a Saturday night when my phone rang. It was Harley, a new friend of ours who is a senior in high school and is close with Emily, one of Ronni’s step-sisters. He had attended New Prospect Baptist Church a few weeks ago with her. Harley said that while he was on a break from work, the Lord convicted him of his need for God and his need of repentance. I have rarely spoken with someone so eager to be made right with the Lord! That night, Harley called upon the name of the Lord for salvation. He wanted to be baptized the next day so he talked to his boss and was able to get off work. I called the amazing New Prospect deacons, Allen and Scott, and they got the baptistry ready. The next morning, we had a celebration as we shared with the congregation what God had done in drawing Harley to Himself! Harley was brimming with joy and so were we! It was such a moving moment to then be able to baptize this dear brother! We had prayed for him from the first time we heard of him, and now, here we were, experiencing the goodness of our faithful God together! What an amazing God we serve! Please pray for Harley as He grows in the Lord and please pray for us as we seek to help him in his walk.
Wednesday night youth group at Idamay Bible Church has been so very special this Fall. The students are genuinely interested in the things they are learning and we have good discussions and also a lot of fun! They listen well, and we are thankful for the respect they are showing for the Lord’s Word. For the past several weeks, Christmas play practice has been under way and these are special times as well as the teens and children come together to tell the story once again!
In camp life, the Fall dental clinic was a blessing and we heard of one patient accepting the Lord! I was grateful to have the privilege of leading morning devotions for the volunteer staff. It was great to see old friends and make new ones! We had the annual work week with the Sophomore class of Calvary Christian School and it was such a joy to work with them! The students had great attitudes and got much accomplished. The teachers and chaperones that accompany the students and work alongside them are also so greatly appreciated and feel like an extension of the camp family.
In October, we were able to make it down to Nashville for more recording sessions and the Lord abundantly blessed the process! The musicians and engineer that He has assembled for this album are such amazing gifts! I am moved beyond words at the joy of seeing these brothers labor for the Lord together! We are about half way finished with the recording sessions. Lord willing, by the time you are reading this, we will have gotten in another day and a half of recording. We are going step by step as the Lord provides. We are so grateful to all who are praying and have given to help make the work done up to this point possible! We can’t wait to be able to share it with you! Please pray for the Lord’s continued provision for the album and the book we hope to go with it. Together, they serve as a Bible study of different identities of Jesus.
As always, we are so grateful to you, our partners in the ministry! Thank you for your prayers and giving as part of this team! It is a joy to co-labor with you as, together, we seek to tell the world of the One who was born so long ago, the greatest Christmas gift, Jesus! Merry Christmas!
In Christ,
Sam and Ronni Judd
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